Julian V. Brandt, III
Apr 1, 2020
The curious Carolina nobility
A reflection on the 350th anniversary of the founding of Carolina “The roots of the present lie deep in the past, and nothing in the past...

Peg Eastman
Nov 5, 2019
The phrenologist and the skeptic - 51 Broad St.
Today Clark Mills is practically forgotten in Charleston, in spite of the fact that his studio at 51 Broad St. has been placed on the...
Jeffrey Kaplan
Oct 3, 2019
The chosen people in the Holy City: Three-and-a-quarter centuries of Jewish life in Charleston
Part III: A Synagogue, Communal Life and Dissension We saw in last month’s article that Charleston’s Jews began to increase in numbers in...
Jeffrey Kaplan
Jul 8, 2019
Three-and-a-quarter centuries of Jewish life in Charleston
The chosen people in the Holy City Part I: The Beginnings Jews are not newcomers to Charleston. The first settlement in the new colony of...
charleston mercury staff
Oct 1, 2014
Poulnot family creates new role for Kerrison’s
By Robert Salvo A short stroll up King Street is sufficient to see that it remains the pulsing heart of Charleston’s commercial district....